Friday, November 6, 2009

Save the Whales


Please join the Petition

I, Cláudia Alexandra Rosa Chaves, in solidarity with the global surfing culture acknowledge that this is the 11th hour for our ocean kin. Surfers have a unique bond forged in the waves with marine mammals, and now like no other time we need to be a voice and a force of direct action for our friends of the sea. As we see the wanton destruction of the worlds last great forests, pollution of the air and the crippling of rivers and waterways, the Whale, wonderous monarch of the sea has become the greatest symbol of the fragility of our mother earth- mother ocean. Yet as we enter the the 21st century Whales, Dolphins and Seals continue to be under brutal attack. Not only in the Canadian Arctic, Norwegian fjords and Icelandic Seas, but even in the greatest remotest wilderness the Antarctic where despite treaties and declaration of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary Japan has relentlessly escalated its factory ship war on Whale Nation. This escalation along with the unrelenting slaughter of Dolphins, notably over 20,000 Dolphins annually in Japan waters, means that surfers have drawn a line in the sand. Enough is enough. I fully believe that we as ocean loving individuals have the power to implement change, I will endeavour to raise this collective power who wish to honour Nature. Surfing culture has a huge multi media voice, and the global strength of surfers can manifest change and see Whales and Dolphins fully honored and protected into the future. We will no longer tolerate this attack on the Whales in our shared domain. We will stand up and step in to see an end to the genocide of our beloved Dolphin, the greatest symbol of the freedom and joy of surfing.